Freaky Eaters | Bean Addict Shown How Much Junk Food He Eats A Year

2016-10-20 2

Dave faces his chip (or fries?) addiction. Freaky Eaters gets to the heart of the nations disordered eating habits. Nutritionist Charlotte Watts and psychological .
Tom has an addiction to beans, chips and crisps. All washed down with pints of milk. Freaky Eaters gets to the heart of the nations disordered eating habits.
Erin is addicted to Yorkshire Puddings, which means he eats a massive amount every year. Freaky Eaters gets to the heart of the nations disordered eating .
Meat addict comes face to face with just how much meat he eats in a year. First he is blindfolded and has to feel his way around and guess what animal it is.